Dupes/Dupes3 Version 1.0 (c)JBSoft 1993 Dupes is a program to identify Duplicate files and give the option to delete selected files for the S3a. Dupes3 is, to all intents and purposes, the same but for the S3. The only differences are in the way information is portrayed on the screen. When initially started a SSD Drive must be selected. Once this has happened the program will make a list of all the files on that drive by first getting all the directory names and then all the files within those directories. The program will then do a sort on the found files before doing a comparison for duplicates. A choice of comparisons is given: 1. Name including file extension 2. Name alone (excluding file extension) After this selection is made a list of files that meet the comparison requirements is shown. At this stage files can be marked. To move up and down the list use the cursor keys in the normal way. It is possible to view a file using the Word utility by positioning the cursor on the required file and pressing 'V'. Information on the file can be gained using 'I' - this will give information on the current and the next file. Once all files requiring deletion have been marked press Esc and, if any files have been selected, an option to delete them is given. After that procedure the program ends. During the program a file called DUPES.DAT is created in the root directory of the M: drive. It is deleted when the program ends normally - should the program terminate with an error then this file will remain. There are limitations to this program due to memory constraints. These are: Maximums ________ 200 Directories 700 Files 200 Duplicate files There are probably bugs in the program which my system does not show up. If you find any, please advise me so that I can attempt to cure them. I have only been able to check Dupes3 on an S3a so there could be problems there. John Boyce CompuServe 100014,1240